There are many reasons to choose a pair of Berwick shoes or boots. They are made entirely in Almansa, a town with a great shoemaking tradition located in the southeast of Spain. Our manufacturing process, called Goodyear Welt, is almost entirely handmade, with around 200 manual operations. All this process is controlled internally, as all the components of our shoes are manufactured within our facilities and then assembled in the corresponding sections. All the raw materials used meet the conditions of environmental respect and the controls established within the European Union.
Discover our collection for both men and women. Elegance, comfort, durability, style... are determining factors when choosing a Berwick 1707, always looking to improve in order to find perfection.
We present a collection of different styles, both for men and women, in classic or casual lines, for the business man or woman, for those who are looking for a formal look or also for a more modern and informal style. A single goal: the satisfaction and loyalty of our customers.
Berwick 1707's main collection includes a wide range of styles of shoes and boots made from the finest European and American leathers as well as a variety of soles, both leather and rubber.

Berwick 1707 is currently manufactured in Almansa using the process patented by Charles Goodyear Jr. some 150 years ago, controlling production vertically by means of a complex industrial organisation.

Visit us and check the fit of our footwear, quality and craftsmanship in each piece.